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Storia Savaré adesivi


In the mid-1920s, a small family-owned company was born, built upon three pillars: a passion for chemistry, an innovative spirit, and respect for people.
Through generations, we continue to uphold the values of our origins: honesty, humanity, and an unwavering dedication to research.

Over the years, the company has transformed and grown, but it has never lost sight of its highest goal: to put chemistry at the service of the common good.

Savaré Timbro Storico
The Dr. Savaré - Industrie Chimiche company is established. The company manufactures chemical intermediates for the paper, textile, and tanning industries. In a period where chemistry is a strategic sector experiencing exponential growth across Europe, Biagio Savaré dedicates himself to a clear goal: to ensure safety and stability for his family and employees. To achieve this, he transforms his studies and patents, acquired during his years as a researcher in Germany, into cutting-edge products, initiating the production of colloidal products derived from starch and emulsifiable products.
1940 - 1960
Dr. Savaré - Industrie Chimiche does not convert to war production and survives the years of World War II by creating a tar-based product for spreading on windows to darken them during nighttime air raids. In the post-war period, the company begins producing adhesives based on potato starch imported from the Netherlands. Subsequently, the laboratories develop technology to produce adhesive based on dried and acid-treated starch. The result is crystals that customers can dissolve in water to apply to the products to be labeled. This formula stands out from others in the market because it adheres perfectly even in humid conditions and can be removed with a simple solution of water and baking soda.
Foto d'epoca anni '40 sede Savaré
Progetto stabilimento chimico Savaré
1960 - 1980
In 1964, Igino Savaré becomes the new administrator. With the founder's son, the second generation of the family enters the company. These years mark the beginning of the era of latex and synthetic adhesives, which dry faster and therefore can keep pace with the mechanization of labeling processes. The company evolves along with the needs of its customers and establishes itself as one of the most solid and reliable suppliers in the domestic market. From the 1970s onwards, the market undergoes further transformation with the arrival of hot-melt adhesives. Savaré is among the first in Italy to start production. The initial hot-melt blocks are hand-mixed in pots heated to 150°C and then poured into silicone molds
1980 - 2000

In the 1980s, the development of nonwoven materials and the strengthening of production lines for diapers, absorbents, and medical sheets drive sector growth. Savaré soon establishes itself as a trusted partner of the leading Italian companies in the sector. In 1984, with Biagio Savaré, the founder's grandson and namesake, the third generation joins the company. With the birth of the European single market, the company begins to expand to meet the new economic context and sector development. Significant investments are made to increase production capacity. The new Cerro plant is opened, and the number of employees triples in just a few years. From the mid-1990s onwards, Savaré enters the international market with a sharp increase in production dedicated to exports to Europe. The Safemelt® patent is registered. The new technology allows hot-melt blocks to be wrapped in films that do not require water. Ahead of the market, product sustainability becomes a key principle for the R&D team and the entire company.

Progetto stabilimento chimico Savaré
Savaré anni 2000 Italia Usa
The 2000s
The journey towards internationalization, which began in the mid-1990s, reaches a turning point: Savaré transforms from a national company into a global player with its entry into the US market. The production of the new Delaware, Ohio plant begins. During the same period, Savaré consolidates its presence in assembly markets: in the production of mattresses, construction materials, adhesive tapes and labels, packaging, as well as in the automotive, footwear, cosmetic, and air filter production sectors.
2010 onwards
These years mark another transformation for Savaré: the construction of the new Headquarters in Milan and the expansion of the production capabilities at the Cerro plant. New investments provide further impetus to the expansion of the R&D center, acquiring new analytical and applicative capabilities to support our partners.
Savaré has evolved into a digital company, compliant with Industry 4.0 standards, with a growing focus on sustainability. The fourth generation has already joined the company, bringing with them the same dedication to chemistry and commitment to excellence that have distinguished us for over a century.
Savaré towards the future together
Our founder - Biagio Savaré

In 1903, Biagio Savaré graduated in Chemistry from the University of Bologna. For four years, he served as an assistant to Professor Giacomo Ciamician, a pioneer in solar energy studies and the founder of photochemistry. During this time, he published articles and studies on colloidal solutions, starch iodide, hydrazine, and levulinic acid. In the following years, he became an assistant to Professor Beythien at the Technische Universität Dresden. Concurrent with his academic work, he filed numerous patents and pursued research that would later become the first products of the Savaré company.

In 1906, he chose to leave a promising academic career to reunite with his family in Italy. He began working for the Società Italiana Elettrochimica in Rome, which entrusted him with the study of new manufacturing processes at the chemical plant in Bussi, Abruzzo. Three years later, in 1909, he became the general manager of the Rho plant of Società Chimica Lombarda A. E. Bianchi & Co.

During his tenure, Società Chimica Lombarda emerged as one of the leading chemical industries in Italy. Under his leadership, Italy produced concentrated ammonia solution, ammonium carbonate, and compressed anhydrous ammonia for the first time. This allowed for greater independence from the German chemical industry.

He left the management of the Rho plant in 1922, when the fascist regime was established in Italy. Just a year later, Società Chimica Lombarda A.E. Bianchi became the Italian commercial subsidiary of IG Farben, the German chemical giant known for its role in the Nazi extermination apparatus.

Biagio Savaré never joined the fascist party, despite facing bureaucratic obstacles, the loss of state contracts, and other forms of economic discrimination. He endured the diicult years of the war, supporting his family and employees without compromising with a world he deemed immoral and inhumane.

He passed away on February 15, 1963, remembered with esteem and affection by the Italian Chemical Society as a man of unwavering honesty, uncommon virtue, and kindness.